“Eney. Thank you so much for the lessons.
After the first lesson, I started to feel I was finally moving in the water instead of fighting the water. I’ve always tried to figure out why the faster swimmers on the other lines were moving so easily and fast and I wasn’t. Now I know that by improving my hand speed as you taught me and by thinking long, but not in the front but in the back, I can move faster with less effort.
I am always at the 2:00 minutes lane, but last week while I was still on that lane, I realized I was swimming at the same speed than some of the women Pro athletes, and with not much effort, that was a nice surprise.
I know I will be swimming for a while still thinking about the new moves, but I am sure I am faster now, and eventually I will be swimming without thinking.
Thanks again
Jaime Fonte”
Move Water – Instead of Fighting It